The acupuncturist places the thin filiform needles into specific points on the meridian system based on the diagnosis established at the beginning of treatment. The needles create a microtrauma which then elicits a healing response.
The central nervous system is activated and chemicals such as endorphins, norepinephrine, enkephalin, and oxytocin are released. This is why acupuncture is widely known to reduce inflammation, pain, and stress.
Because acupuncture works with the body’s own ability to heal, the list of what it can treat is vast. It is well known for treating pain and inflammation of any kind, but acupuncture also aids in supporting and creating healthy mental and emotional balance as well. In this medicine, there is no separation of mind and body. Each affects the other and therefore is treated as such.
Acupuncture is a relatively gentle medicine, and we pride ourselves on our gentle needle technique. There may be a quick pinch, or no sensation at all when the needles are inserted. We use single-use, disposable, stainless-steel needles that are the size of a single piece of hair.
Acupuncture treatments are accumulative in nature, so you will gain benefits each time you come in. However, the amount of treatments needed usually corresponds with the severity of the problem & how long you have had the condition.
We typically recommend 1-2 times per week for the first 6-8 weeks of treatments. After the initial “acute” phase, treatments are generally spread out to every other week, and eventually month or quarterly.
We encourage patients to keep up with a maintenance schedule that suits their individual needs and lifestyle.
HSA/FSA (Health Savings Accounts) can be applied to all treatments or products.
Although we do not accept insurance due to being “out of network”. We do provide what’s called a “superbill” that includes diagnosis codes that insurance companied need to reimburse you. Some insurance policies will cover a percentage of our fee or up to 10-20 sessions per year at a specific rate.
If they do, ask them what percentage of our fee they cover, or how many sessions per year and at what price and if they have any other stipulations. You may also want to inquire about when you might see reimbursement.
Sensations during the treatment can include heaviness, temperature changes, a gentle ache, movement of pain, and a deep sleep or meditative state. Most clients leave with pain relief, calmness, increased energy, or euphoria.