Beginning thousands of years ago, acupuncture has withstood the test of time. This beautiful medicine, not only treating physical ailments, reminds us that all aspects of our being are connected and that suffering occurs when one of those is off balance. The philosophy of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that our bodies and minds were designed to heal themselves, and when put in the correct environment, they do just that.
As the acupuncturist places the thin filiform needles into specific points of the patient creating a microtrauma, a healing response occurs. The central nervous system is activated and chemicals such as endorphins, norepinephrine, enkephalin, and oxytocin are released. This is why acupuncture is widely known to reduce inflammation, pain, and stress.
Cupping, Guasha, Moxa
There is a saying in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that “anytime there is pain, there is stagnation”. Sustained blockages can create that chronic disruption in the body. Cupping, guasha, and moxa have been used for centuries to effectively release stagnation to relieve pain by supporting healthy Qi and blood flow throughout the body.
Cupping is the use of glass or silicone cups to create negative pressure; pulling up the muscular tissue instead of pressing down to allow for better blood and Qi flow to that area.
Gua Sha is performed with a smooth-edged tool that scrapes the skin to release inflammation and tight muscles. Its mechanism of action is similar to cupping and therefore is generally used in areas where cupping is not easily accessible.
Moxa is a processed form of the herb Chinese mugwort. When burning mugwort and holding it close to the skin it creates a deep gentle warmth that relieves pain and dispels Qi and blood stagnation. Moxa is also used in helping to stop or slow heavy periods, fertility, and assisting in flipping breech babies.
Bodywork/ 20 min spot Massage
Have you ever noticed how long it takes you to relax when you are getting a massage? By the time you finally do the treatment is almost over!
By starting your treatment with acupuncture first, your body and mind are relaxed and ready to receive the great benefits of the massage that follows. Acupuncture and massage work synergistically to decrease pain, inflammation, and stress, and also increase range of motion and circulation.
Having been a massage therapist since 2005, Dr. Amanda finds that by incorporating spot massage & bodywork into her patient’s treatments, they typically get longer-lasting relief. She has been trained in multiple modalities and customizes each treatment based on the individual needs of her patients. Some of and most used modalities that Dr. Amanda incorporates are trigger point therapy, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and pre-natal and peri-natal.
Herbal Remedies
Chinese herbal formulas are prescribed on an individual bases and are not a “one size fits all”. The are based on the specific factors your body is expressing. They restore balance and can speed up the healing process.
They differ from pharmaceuticals in that they do not take over a body process or turn it “on” or “off”. Rather, herbs guide, assist, and support natural functions by giving to or taking away the imbalance. This is the reason herbs are typically taken on a shorter-term basis compared to their Western counterpart and have minimal side effects.
Herbs are typically used if desired results are not reached with acupuncture alone and are usually not recommended until the second visit or later.
We only use herbs and nutraceuticals from highly reputable companies.